Thursday, March 17, 2011

Experiencing God

Its been a while since I blogged last. A lot has gone on. Just got out of the hospital last Friday (was in there for 11 days for cellulitis) While I was in the hospital I found it easy to be nice and friendly but not as easy to keep my focus on God. I don't want to blame it on pain or being in a place where I didn't feel very comfortable. I just don't feel like I experienced God the way I wanted to and have struggled wit that since I have been home. I know that it has been my fault allowing other thing things to take my time and attention instead of keeping my focus where it belongs. I feel it so true that nothing can satisfy me except God. But its not a single experience with him can tide me over. I need more of him.

Lord I pray you would help to experience more of you on a consistent basis. Help me to not let "things"dominate my attention. Help me please to spend time with you everyday. Lord I want you more than anything. Reign in me again. I need you my God. Even in my lowly state I want to know I am on mission with you. That the things I do you find important. I want to honor you with my life Lord. I love you my God. I love You, I love You.

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