Monday, April 11, 2011

Pray like Tevye

I recently saw the movie Fiddler on the Roof. ( <--- Link leads to clip of Tevye) I have not seen this movie since I was in middle school. Back then I saw the movie I just thought the way Reb Tevye danced was hilarious.
When I just watched it again I was stuck to see the way Tevye talked to God. It was so natural. Just like one would talk with a friend (and it wasn't even devoid of humor) I think sometimes it is so easy to talk so formal to God (being mindful that you are talking to the Creator of all things) that we forget that Jesus came that we might have relationship with God. A relationship that we can be as comfortable to say what is on our hearts as to our closest friend. But God wants to be closer than that. Will we share our whole heart with Him?

Lord, Please help me to grow in my prayer life. Lord I want you to be closer than any friend and I know I need to be more open and share my whole life with you. Please help me to be open. I want our relationship to be as close at even the most faithful men of God. Even more if you permit me. I love you Lord. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus, so we could have this relationship. I am forever grateful.

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