Thursday, September 2, 2010

Psalm 119:64

The earth is filled with your love, O LORD; teach me your decrees.”

Lord I am at a time in my life where you are teaching me so many things. So many hard lessons. How to be a man. How to be a father. How to be a leader in my home. Lord I know your disciplining me and guiding me as a son. Lord I am yours. Take me by the hand, I will follow you. Help me to hear your voice more clearly. You are my shepherd. You are my portion, my inheritance, my deliverer. Teach me to delight evermore in you and in your presence. Thank you for every blessing in my life. If dying on the cross was all you ever did for me, it would have been enough. Help me to be a steward with ALL the things you have placed in my care. Teach me Lord. Your way is perfect. You make beautiful things out of ashes. You are infinitely creative. A master. Mold me into the image of your Son. You are the Amen of my Heart. Because of you it is Well with My Soul.